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  • Who we are

    The Sleep Europe Foundation (SEF) is a legal, non-profit foundation under German civil law based in Regensburg, Germany.

    The foundation pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes. The foundation works selflessly; it does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes.

    At their general assembly in September 2022 in Athens, Greece, the members of the European Sleep Research Society decided to found the Sleep Europe Foundation and to provide it with a foundation capital of a total of EUR 370,000, of which EUR 250,000 were donated as basic assets and EUR 120,000 as so-called consumption assets. 

    A clear majority of 83.33% of voting members supported the establishment of the Sleep Europe Foundation.

    The legal establishment took place through recognition by the responsible foundation authority in October 2023.


  • What we stand for

    The purpose of the foundation is to promote science and research as well as public health care in the field of sleep medicine. The foundation's purpose is achieved in particular by awarding research prizes and organizing and/or promoting events and courses that serve to provide training and further education in the field of sleep medicine.

    Every donation helps

    To be able to fulfill our purposes, we rely on your donations and support. Please support the Sleep Europe Foundation with your donation or sponsorship and become part of our activities and projects. Above all, you will help to ensure that healthy sleep becomes a familiar topic in public health education for all generations.




  • Sleep - friend or foe

    Friend or foe, sleep accompanies us all along our life from birth to death. Sleep fulfills essential functions to keep brain and body able to answer the challenges of our life. 

    Good sleep is important for enabling mental and physical recovery. Good sleep promotes health, quality of life and performance.

    Lack of sleep and sleep disruptions lead rapidly to harmful changes in physical and psychological well-being.

    Sleep is one of the most sensitive markers of health problems. Indeed, most sleep diseases  can have a negative impact on mood, cognition and, in the long term, many bodily functions and life expectancy.  These disorders also contribute to cardiovascular disease, strokes, diabetes and depression.

Our funding program

  • Awards

    Sleep Europe Foundation Career Development Award (2024 application closed, 2025 application early 2025)

    The Sleep Europe Foundation (SEF) aims to foster networking among European laboratories and support the careers of early-stage applicants in sleep research and sleep medicine.

    To serve these goals, the SEF launched the new SEF Career Development Award that will be awarded to post-graduate and post-doctoral scientists aiming to conduct a collaborative project including partners from at least two countries.

    The project call refers to new or ongoing projects, covering basic, translational, or clinical aspects of sleep research and sleep medicine.

    The funding amount is 20,000 EUR.

    The SEF Career Development Award is sponsored by the Sleep Europe Foundation and awarded in cooperation with the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS).

    All applications will be evaluated by an expert panel representing the SEF and the ESRS. The SEF Board will confirm the awardees proposed by the jury.


  • Education and Training

    Supporting public health

    Healthy sleep is essential for physical and mental health, and social wellbeing.

    In Europe, there is a large discrepancy between well-developed and less-developed countries considering sleep health in public health agendas. National Mental health plans including sleep 

    SEF will prioritize public health by supporting projects and training that promote healthy sleep and highlight sleep as a pillar of health. 

    SEF aims to act as a link between organizers and possible sponsors. 

    You are invited to submit proposals by mailing to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein..





Financing our funding program

  • Corporate Sponsoring

    As a corporate partner you are vital in helping us to share and promote our foundation purposes in the field of sleep medicine.

    Corporate sponsorship means to support a special event, which could not take place without your support. We're open to new and creative ideas too, so get in touch with us.

    Companies of all sizes can get involved. Corporate sponsorship is open to organizations, companies and corporations from a range of backgrounds, such as banking, insurance, the food chain, health care, fitness, IT and media.

    Corporate sponsorships are  a tool used to form brand identity and brand image via increased visibility . While supporting such a popular and socially conscious cause may be mutually beneficial to both parties, a corporate sponsorship is not only a donation; it is a business deal.

    The foundation is entitled to issue receipts for your sponsorship, so that you can take advantage of the tax relief.

  • Private Donations

    On the occasion of a personal event, more and more people want to ask their guests for donations for our meaningful and worthy purpose - science, research and public health in the field of good sleep and sleep disorders instead of gifts.

    Maybe you too are thinking about this option and don't want to donate “just anywhere”.

    Whether it's an anniversary, birthday, wedding, birth or baptism: ask relatives, friends, acquaintances, guests or business partners to donate part of the money intended for gifts to the Sleep Europe Foundation, which then benefits research and training of young sleep professionals on the widespread disease of sleep disorders

    We are happy to support you and your guests. This way you can inform them about the planned donation in advance in your invitation.

    You collect the donations and transfer them in a total amount with the keyword: “Occasion and names”. Once your donation has been received, you will receive a thank you letter informing you of the funding project your donation will be used for, as well as a tax-deductible donation receipt*.

    You transfer the total amount as stated above and send us a list with the names, addresses and amounts of the donors who would like a deductible donation receipt from us. In this case, all of your guests will receive a thank you letter and information about which projects the donations will support. If required individual donors also receive tax-deductible donation receipts directly from us.

    * For the amount which is not covered by the individual tax-deductible donation receipts.

  • Corporate Donations

Our partners

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